Full Circle Community Cat Program
Orphan Kitten Club provides our Trap Team volunteers with all the supplies they could possibly need. At each colony, our team brings the necessary amount of traps & one of our fully loaded Trap Kits. These kits were designed to house all the necessary items to successfully trap community cats. We also supply all our volunteers with OKC branded masks and T-shirts.

Our Kits include the following items:
Food boats, Dry food, Mackerel, Tuna, Wet Cat Food, Can Opener, Plastic Spoons, Towels & Trap Covers, Newspaper, Pee Pads, Trash Bags, Disposable Gloves, Bite Gloves, Hand sanitizer, Rescue Spray Bottle (1:16 Dilution), Paper Towels, Masking Tape, Blue Tarps, Bungee Cords, Extra Clips, Head Lamps, Pens, Notepad, Clipboard with OKC Paperwork, Information from our Local Shelter, OKC Door Knockers, First Aid Kit, & a Dry Erase Board for our Base Camp!

Community Cat Base Camp
Each of our colonies is assigned a Lead Trapper who creates a simple Base Camp. This space serves as a mini trap depot! The Lead will use our Trap Log to keep track of all the traps in use and all the cats being trapped. Our team prefers to use unique alphabetical ID tags on our traps, but numbers work just as well. The Lead will use the dry erase board to capture all of the in the moment activity happening at the colony. This includes- who brought which traps, details on exact locations of the set traps, and who will be transporting which cats. We have found that staying super organized is the key to success, especially when trapping a large colony. Our volunteers our accountable for every single trap. Before we start trapping we count in all the traps & at the end of the night we do a final count. This way we never leave a trap behind!

Click HERE to download our printable Trap Log