Medical Grants
At Orphan Kitten Club, we are committed to providing assistance to kittens requiring emergency treatment through our medical grants. Our support extends to strategic partner organizations across the United States, ensuring that financial constraints do not prevent lifesaving care for kittens. Whether a kitten needs emergency surgery, hospitalization or diagnostics we are here to help our partners deliver the urgent care these vulnerable little ones need.
Here are some heartwarming stories of kittens who have received support thanks to our medical grants:



Danny Glover










We are celebrating Tony’s recovery, thanks to the legacy left by OKC’s own nursery kitten, tiny Turtle. Shortly after arriving at SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. in Washington, Tony was diagnosed with severe pectus excavatum. Much like OKC’s own Turtle, this little brown tabby needed surgery to breathe, grow, and live a full life. With extensive preparation and support from a dedicated clinic team, Dr. Logan performed this challenging external splinting surgery for the first time. After the surgery, there was a critical 24-hour window during which the risk of bleeding or lung collapse was high. Thankfully, the surgery and recovery were successful, allowing us all to breathe a sigh of relief—especially Tony! Just five days after the procedure, Tony had gained half a pound and was full of energy. He continues his recovery in a foster home, and we are happy to share that his re-check x-rays look fantastic. He’s well on his way to a full recovery and will soon be ready to find his forever family! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed through Turtle’s Legacy. Your generous donations made Tony’s life-saving surgery possible, and we’re beyond grateful for your support.







Wyll was found living under a house in Bryan, Texas. His finder, a board member with Six Kittens Rescue, thought Wyll had a bit of a strangely-shaped chest. Turns out, Wyll has pectus excavatum, a congenital condition causing the sternum and rib cage to be misshapen and sunken into the chest. Without surgery, Wyll’s heart and lungs wouldn’t have had enough room to grow. With funding from Orphan Kitten Club, Texas A&M pulled off the surgery laparoscopically, which is a novel technique for this rare procedure! Wyll is currently enjoying being pampered in his foster home, although he is not a fan of his confinement. He has managed to break out of several enclosures just to be close to his people and his foster dog!

Miss Puff

Merry was rescued at 7 weeks old weighing less than five ounces – that’s four times smaller than other cats his age! While he began growing steadily in foster care, his foster family noticed that one of Merry’s eyes was causing him quite a bit of discomfort. After a trip to the vet, he was diagnosed with an inverted eyelid. If untreated, this condition can cause permanent damage to the cornea, eye infections, and even vision loss. Thankfully, Orphan Kitten Club’s Mightycat medical grant was able to cover Merry’s surgery, where his eyelid surgery was a success. Though his affected eye is a little bit smaller than the other, he can now see without worry of any long-term issues. The best ending to this story is that Merry was adopted by a loving family and is doing great in his forever home!

C3PO came to Feline Advocates of Leon County (FALC) from a rural shelter. She was slightly underweight and had low energy, and she began to experience labored breathing. An ultrasound and x-ray revealed an abundance of fluid in and around her lungs. Additional blood work pointed to Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) as a diagnosis – a disease once deemed incurable, but recent medical advancements gave hope to C3PO! While hospitalized, she received oxygen chamber treatment, antibiotics, and FIP treatment every 12 hours. After 3 days of continued treatment, she was able to be removed from supplemental oxygen and follow-up x-rays showed her lung damage beginning to reverse. The treatment was working! C3PO is now being fostered by one of FALC’s board members while she receives the full 84-day course of treatment for FIP. She will have continued blood work to monitor her condition, but she is currently doing well and her team of veterinarians and foster parents are all very optimistic!

Mrs. Norris
Following a triumphant battle against panleukopenia, little Mrs. Norris suffered a traumatic head injury while in foster care. Under the guidance of an emergency veterinarian, she spent the night in an incubator at Happy Jack Cats that had been funded by a previous OKC Mightycat grant. Nosebleeds persisted for Mrs. Norris, yet radiographs and ultrasounds showed that nothing seemed to be broken or out of place. Things took a turn for the worse when Mrs Norris was diagnosed with panleukopenia again! However, nothing could stop this resilient mighty cat from battling back to health. Over several weeks on bed rest and with veterinary care funded by an Orphan Kitten Club grant, Mrs. Norris made a full recovery and is now adored by her adoptive family.

Steven was taken to The Bitty Kitty Brigade at just three days old after his caretaker noticed he wasn’t nursing and was coughing on the bottle. Poor little guy! After finding Orphan Kitten Club’s founder, Kitten Lady’s content online, they correctly suspected that Steven may have a cleft palate. Steven arrived skinny and sluggish, having lost 22g from his birth weight, but he bounced back immediately with specialized tube-feeding. When Steven’s weight exceeds 2 pounds, he’ll be ready for cleft palate repair surgery along with an esophagostomy tube placement. Orphan Kitten Club is grateful to be able to contribute to Steven’s lifesaving surgery, and even more so to our supporters who make these opportunities possible!


Cake Pop
Cake Pop’s story with Kitten Rescue Life began when she was discovered in Mexico with her mom and siblings. Born with deformities in her back legs and missing a bone, she faced many hurdles. Facing a daunting medical diagnosis, she had two options: euthanasia or bilateral amputation of her legs and removal of her partial tail. Thanks to a Mightycat grant, Cake Pop was able to undergo her life-changing surgery and has shown remarkable progress in her healing journey. Cake Pop’s resilience and courage inspire us all to overcome adversity and embrace every moment with joy and tenacity.

Flea Five
Did you know that fleas can pose a life-threatening risk to young kittens? When these five kittens arrived at a local animal shelter with severe flea infestations, their lives hung in the balance due to life-threatening anemia. This was a direct result of fleas feeding on them. Recognizing the urgency of their situation, YOLO County SPCA took them into their care. To survive, the kittens needed a blood transfusion – a costly and often unattainable treatment for many rescues and shelters. Thanks to the incredible expertise at UC Davis and a Mightycat grant, all five kittens received the life-saving blood transfusions they needed!

Originally fostered within a local municipal shelter program, Garbanzo faced some tough challenges that led him to the care of YOLO County SPCA. Despite the loving care of his foster home, ongoing diarrhea and struggles to thrive led him to a critical moment at a local emergency room. There, it was discovered that Garbanzo urgently needed life-saving abdominal surgery to resolve an intussusception (telescoping of the intestine), a condition that could have been fatal without intervention. Thanks to a Mightycat grant, Garbanzo received his surgery! And do you know what makes Garbanzo’s story even more special? His foster mom happens to be a veterinarian at UC Davis and was the one who performed his life-saving surgery! Now Garbanzo has flourished beyond belief and is growing every day. Garbanzo’s journey is a testament to the impact and the unwavering support of our Orphan Kitten Club community.

Tempura and Sunset

Pickles’ story is a good reminder for cat parents everywhere! When Pickles came into the care of our partners at Orphan Kitten Project, she was a single kitten looking for a friend. Luckily, a foster had a kitten around the same age and Pickles got a sister to play with! As curious kittens often do, Pickles and her sister got very adventurous and managed to get to a very high shelf in the house. However, their mischief led to a dangerous encounter with a vase of Oriental Lilies, which are extremely toxic to cats. It can be fatal if a cat ingests any part of the plant, even the water it’s in. Finding pollen on her coat but unsure if she ingested any part of the plant, her foster took no chances and rushed Pickles to the emergency vet. A Mightycat medical grant covered the cost of Pickles’ hospitalization. At the veterinarian clinic, Pickles received careful monitoring, IV Fluids, and blood tests for toxins. Miraculously, Pickles made a full recovery!


Blueberry was in quite a predicament when she was brought into a local shelter in Long Beach, California. Poor Blueberry had suffered a compound fracture in her leg, causing her pain and uncertainty about her future. With the extensive care her condition required, Blueberry faced the heartbreaking possibility of euthanasia. However, The Little Lion Foundation took her into their care and brought her to their veterinarian. The veterinarian decided at just 7 weeks old, Blueberry needed her leg amputated – a procedure not usually performed until a kitten is older than 8 weeks. There was a growing infection and the fracture was getting worse, so they had to take the risk. A Mightycat medical grant provided the funds needed to have her injured leg amputated. Blueberry did great and is now on the road to recovery!

Cindy Clawford
Cindy Clawford was born with extra toes but sadly suffered a severe injury on her back foot. This polydactyl girl needed medical intervention right away, and our local partner, Kitten Rescue Life took on her case. The injury on Cindy’s paw caused her toes to keep swelling and turn purple. She received several small lacerations where her skin was restricted which only temporarily relieved the tension and pressure put on her foot. Despite these two procedures, it wasn’t enough to relieve her discomfort and pain. Orphan Kitten Club covered the third and final operation to remove a couple of troublesome toes! Cindy has since recovered and is living her best supermodel life!

Ham the kitten was brought to a municipal shelter in Long Beach, CA in poor condition. Several rescues were contacted, but it was our partner organization, The Little Lion Foundation, who stepped up to help him. This at-risk kitten was in dire need of medical care. Ham had a very infected, swollen eye that would need to be removed. The Little Lion team kept him comfortable and got Ham chunky enough for surgery. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs of his life-changing enucleation. Ham has recovered quickly and even found companionship with a fellow one-eyed wonder kitten in his foster home!

Zella the kitten was found outside all alone and a little unsteady on her feet. It was evident that she required a rescue to step in and offer her the care she needed. Our partners at Kitten Nuggets in New Smyrna Beach, FL took on her case. After thorough neurological diagnostics including bloodwork, bile acids, and an MRI, we’ve learned more about this tiny fighter. Her blood work looks good, but the MRI revealed she’s dealing with severe hydrocephalus and a cyst, which is causing her mild ataxia – also known as the wobbles. Despite these challenges, Zella’s spirit remains strong! Orphan Kitten Club helped cover her critical diagnostics and testing to help get a better picture of what is going on inside that cute head of hers. Zella’s symptoms aren’t progressing, and for now, she’s soaking up all the love and care in her foster home, alongside her best friend & fellow Mightycat, Myla.

Mama Mia what a story! This sweet kitten was originally rescued from a terribly unsavory situation (we’ll spare you the details) and was brought to our partner organization, YOLO SPCA. She immediately received care for a pelvic fracture, pulmonary contusions, and a diaphragmatic hernia. This little fighter spent a full 24 hours on oxygen to help stabilize her lungs prior to undergoing a hernia repair surgery. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding for her lifesaving procedure and hospitalization. Mia has been recovering beautifully with the support of her foster mom and we look forward to her upcoming adoption day!

Our partner, Orphan Kitten Project, in Davis, California, recently rescued a litter of spicy kittens in need of medical intervention. One of these kittens was named, Electricity, and she has had a long journey. While she was in foster, her caregiver noticed she wasn’t bearing weight on her right hind leg. She was taken to UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine for immediate care. Initially, it appeared she had a fracture, but the swelling continued, and an abscess burst on her joint. Through numerous tests, they diagnosed her with multifocal septic arthritis. Electricity has not regained use of her original infected leg due to the damage caused by the infection and will eventually need the limb amputated. Orphan Kitten Club has funded her life-saving medical care & emergency hospital visits. Electricity is very popular at the hospital from her days of being a frequent visitor, and she absolutely runs the show in her foster home! We know she will do just fine as a tripod!

Piko was surrendered to our partner, Lawrence Humane Society when he was just 5 weeks old. This vulnerable little guy was placed into a foster home to be cared for while he was treated for tapeworms, persistent diarrhea, ocular discharge, and ringworm! After several weeks and many grams gained, Piko was brought in for his neuter, but the doctors noticed something felt amiss with his sternum. Radiographs of his chest indicated that Piko had pectus excavatum- a congenital malformation of the chest that can be fatal for young kittens if not corrected. The medical team created an external custom-made thoracic splint to allow Piko to breathe and play comfortably. The splint will remain for 4-8 weeks, but Piko’s foster said he hasn’t slowed down even a little bit!

Dan’s journey hasn’t been an easy one. This little fighter was found orphaned in a dumpster with an injured leg. Our partner Humane Society of Scott County in Davenport, IA, stepped in to help Dan get the care he needed. Radiographs confirmed that Dan had a humerus fracture with moderate displacement. Their veterinarian recommended amputation as the best pathway. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the medical costs associated with Dan’s procedure. He was placed in a foster home to recover from his surgery. We are happy to share that Dan has adjusted to life with three legs & has a forever home lined up!

Handsome Kuro came into our partner organization Kauai Humane Society as a tiny neonate, who quickly entered a loving foster home for round-the-clock care. After growing up a bit and weaning off the bottle, this baby boy made his way back to Kauai Humane to finish plumping up before his adoption. However, when Kuro began developing funny little bald spots all over his body, it was discovered he had been exposed to ringworm. But never fear! With some funding assistance from Orphan Kitten Club, this kiddo has been able to receive top-notch medical care to soothe his skin and regrow his follicles! We are so proud of our Kuro, our fungal fighter! He is currently thriving and has been a very good boy when it comes to his medication and lime dips! Once he is cleared of ringworm, he will be ready for adoption and a bright future.

Miss Peregrine
In Spokane Washington, we have partnered with SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. to help kittens in their community. We recently granted funding for a tiny tabby named Miss Peregrine. She was suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection when SpokAnimal took her in. Their veterinary team provided medications and supportive care, but sadly that wasn’t enough to clear up her infected eye. Her left eye ruptured and it was determined that surgical removal was the only pathway. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with her enucleation, allowing Miss Peregrine to have a happy life as a one-eyed kitten. She recovered beautifully & was adopted right away!




Creek Banks



Mulan and her sibling were taken to our partner organization, Rogue Valley Humane Society, in Grants Pass, OR. She appeared to be in tip-top shape and was scheduled for her spay surgery. While she was under anesthesia, their vet discovered her irregularly shaped ribcage. Radiographs were taken and she was diagnosed with pectus excavatum – a congenital malformation of the chest that can be fatal for young kittens if not corrected. Mulan was scheduled for surgery with the incredible team at Oregon State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Mulan’s surgery involved reshaping her ribs by applying external pressure to the sternum and expanding the chest, to allow more room for the lungs and heart to grow. A flexible, external splint was attached with sutures to stabilize her chest. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover the costs associated with this complex procedure. Mulan has since passed all her checkups with flying colors and is on the road to recovery!

We are pasta-tively in love with little Ravioli the kitten! This tiny micro panther & his siblings were rescued by our partner, Brother Wolf in Asheville, NC. The litter had some medical concerns and was placed in the home of an experienced foster but sadly, an accident happened. Ravioli had a scary encounter with a large dog who picked him up and shook him. This caused him to have a pneumothorax, which occurs when air leaks into the space between the lung and chest wall, causing the lung to collapse. To save his life, Ravioli had to be rushed to an emergency hospital for treatment. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with his life-saving hospitalization & he has since made a full recovery! Now Ravioli can breathe comfortably & live his best kitten life!


Popeye was found by local trappers at a community cat colony in Lawrence, KS. They noticed a very sick, tiny, black kitten & managed to trap him so he could get the care he needed. When Popeye came to our partner, Lawrence Humane Society, he was underweight, dehydrated, covered in fleas, undersocialized, and had a severe upper respiratory infection. Sadly, it also appeared that this 7-week-old kitten had a ruptured globe in his right eye! This was clearly causing Popeye pain & staff determined that it was in his best interest to have surgery right away! Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs of his life-changing enucleation. Popeye recovered quickly and his foster told us that Popeye loves to sit on shoulders like a little one-eyed parrot!

Mason was rescued by our partner, San Antonio Pets Alive! in San Antonio, TX. Sadly, upon intake, this tiny kitten wasn’t using his front right leg to get around. Mason was examined by their veterinarian who suspected he had nerve paralysis and suggested an amputation. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with his procedure. Mason has recovered beautifully in his foster home and is finally able to live a comfortable life. This little tripod was immediately pre-adopted to a wonderful home. We are so happy to provide funding for kittens like Mason when they need it the most!

Rainbow was transferred to our partner, Feline Advocates of Leon County, from a rural shelter in Florida. This tiny dilute calico kitten was in rough shape. She was anemic, covered in fleas, dehydrated, and had a ruptured eye. Rainbow was stabilized, and her medical needs were addressed by their team. Once she was big enough, this little fighter was ready for a life-changing optical surgery. Orphan Kitten Club covered all the costs associated with her necessary enucleation. The procedure was a success & now Rainbow has an adorable permanent wink! We are proud to support organizations that take on kittens who need extra medical care.

Charlie came to our partner, YOLO SPCA, in Davis, CA as a young kitten with a cough that no one could figure out! This little guy remained uninterested in food and had a persistent cough even after 3 weeks of 2 different antibiotics. Orphan Kitten Club granted the funds to give Charlie a full workup to better understand his condition. With the information from his bloodwork and radiographs, he was able to start treatment for a lungworm infection and associated elevated kidney values. With new medications, fluid therapy, and anti-nausea support Charlie has gained over 400 grams in his new foster home, and has played and purred for the first time in his life! Some kittens just don’t fit under the umbrella of “normal”, but with this support, Charlie is on his way to being a happy and healthy kitten! Even though he would give his medication regimen 0 out of 5 stars, we are all so glad to finally see him enjoying a much better quality of life.

Cuddles was rescued by our partner organization, Little Lion Foundation in Long Beach, CA by way of their local animal shelter. This tiny 4-week-old kitten was found with a severe injury to his right front paw that caused irreparable nerve damage. Cuddles was completely unable to use his paw and the decision was made by their medical team to remove the injured limb. He was so small and fragile when his injuries were assessed that the veterinarian chose to wait for him to become a bit more hearty prior to surgery. After a few weeks in foster care, Cuddles was cleared for his amputation. Orphan Kitten Club stepped in and granted the funding needed to cover the costs associated with his life-changing procedure. Today Cuddles is living his best life as a tripod tabby kitten!

Jupiter came to our partner organization, Orphan Kitten Project, in Davis, CA at just 3 weeks of age. Jupiter and his 5 underweight siblings were fresh off the streets and in rough condition. They all had upper respiratory infections, were dehydrated, & had terrible diarrhea. With supportive care and treatment, they settled into their foster home and thrived. Sadly when Jupiter was around 6 weeks old he began frequently vomiting & his weight & energy levels dropped. Jupiter was taken to the emergency room where he was found to have eosinophilia, an increase in a type of his white blood cells that can be indicative of a parasitic infection. He received treatment but sadly it was discovered that Jupiter’s vomiting had led to irritation and inflammation of his esophagus, which then led to dilation of the esophagus, also known as megaesophagus. Despite this harrowing diagnosis, Jupiter never gave up. He was placed in an incubator with supplemental oxygen to help him breathe more comfortably and was hooked up IV fluids and medications to help him recover. He maintained a great appetite in the ICU, and remained in good spirits. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs associated with his life-saving hospitalization. Back in his foster home, Jupiter began medications to help manage his megaesophagus along with being held upright after mealtimes. His foster family completely fell in love with him and they will soon be making Jupiter a permanent member of their family!

Ladybug was found by animal control in terrible condition. She had a horrific eye infection that had caused her eyes to swell so badly that she was effectively blind. She was brought to our partner, Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter, in Georgetown, TX for care. Ladybug was immediately sent out to one of their highly-trained specialty medical fosters. After a consultation with an outside vet, it was determined that her eyes were non-functioning and should be removed as soon as Ladybug was at a safe weight. Despite her eye issues, Ladybug thrived in her foster home and learned how to navigate her space with sounds and smells instead! With love, care, and medication it wasn’t long before she was 3 lbs and ready for her surgery. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with her double enucleation surgery, and sweet Ladybug went back to recover with her foster. Ladybug has since recovered and is living her best kitten life!

Georgia was found alone in someone’s front yard on a cold and rainy day. This tiny girl was very underweight and luckily was brought to our partner, Humane Society of West Michigan, to get the care she desperately needed. The staff noticed that this cuddly little kitten couldn’t walk. Georgia spent most of her time lying in her bed or being held. She would often extend her leg completely when lying or sitting to alleviate the discomfort and pain. HSWM took radiographs which indicated she had a fractured femur. There were two options: amputation or try to save the leg with a femoral head ostectomy (FHO), a surgical operation to remove the head and neck from the femur. The medical team decided to try the FHO & Orphan Kitten Club covered the cost of that procedure. Georgia is currently thriving and is doing physical therapy as well as pain management after her lifesaving procedure.

Biscuit (Bizzy for short) was presented as a stray to an emergency clinic with a swollen back leg. The medical staff approached our partner, YOLO SPCA, about accepting her as a rescue, and of course, they said yes! Initially, her care team thought she might have a fracture but x-rays and a neurologic exam revealed she actually had an abscessed hock with no deep pain sensation in her foot and was at risk for developing a systemic infection from the dying leg. They elected to move forward with an emergency amputation. At just 6 weeks old, Bizzy surprised everyone by recovering from her procedure with flying colors! Orphan Kitten Club helped cover the costs associated with this cutting-edge surgery for this tiny biscuit maker. Bizzy is now living her best life on three legs!

Wilder was found abandoned under a house with his siblings and when the finders realized his back legs were not properly formed. They reached out to our partner organization, Kitten Nuggets, in New Smyrna Beach, FL for help! Wilder’s hind legs were curled up over his genitals and he would soil them when using the litter box. They couldn’t stay in that position long-term without causing complications and discomfort. X-rays revealed that Wilder was missing several bones in his lower legs and feet and had deformities of the bones that were there. These bony abnormalities would make straightening Wilder’s legs difficult, but they wanted to try! Kitten Nuggets consulted with several veterinarians about the use of therapeutic Botox to relax his tight, contracted muscles alongside serial splinting to hopefully straighten his legs. After weeks of serial splinting, they did see amazing improvements in Wilder’s upper hind legs where his muscles were contracted as a result of the use of Botox, but unfortunately, his lower legs could not be straightened. Thus, the decision was made to amputate his hind legs. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs of Wilder’s novel Botox treatment, serial splinting, and amputations. Wilder had never used his back legs to walk. He’s only ever known walking with his front legs, so amputations weren’t a hard adjustment for him. He gets around SO much easier and more comfortably! Way to go, little two-legged zoomer!

McDonald’s was surrendered with his littermates to our Partner organization, Providence Animal Rescue League, in Rhode Island. This little nugget and his siblings all appeared to be in good health and were placed into the care of a foster home. Shortly after arriving, the foster noticed something wasn’t quite right with this tiny kitten. McDonald’s had a swollen behind that continued to cause him issues. The shelter veterinarian diagnosed Mickey D’s with a prolapsed anus & surgery was recommended. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with his medical procedure. The surgery was a success and now McDonald’s can poop like a normal kitten. Congratulations buddy, we are so happy to support you when you needed it the most!

Cheez-It was found orphaned in Brooklyn, New York at just three weeks old. Sadly, one of his eyes had already ruptured at that point. He was rescued by our partner, Brooklyn Animal Action, who immediately got him a warm bottle and medical care. Due to the severity of his eye, the only option was an enucleation. This tiny tuxedo was provided around-the-clock care by his foster to get him big enough for surgery day! Orphan Kitten Club provided funding to cover the costs associated with his eye surgery. Now Cheez-it is living his best life as a one-eyed wonder kitten!

Little Julian was found under a dumpster in Los Angeles on a hot Summer day. This sweet smokey grey kitten was dehydrated, anemic, and had a horrible upper respiratory infection. His weathered one-pound body was covered in dermatitis, fleas, and ticks! Our Partner organization, Stray Paws Animal Haven, took him into their care and provided him with immediate medical treatment. One week after being rescued, Julian appeared to be improving, but then he unexpectedly crashed. Sadly, the pupil in his left eye collapsed, no longer having the ability to dilate. He was then diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). FIP is a deadly virus that was until recently, seen as a non-treatable disease. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover his costly 84-day treatment. Julian is a fighter and has been slowly but surely improving since starting his new medical regimen. We are so proud to support kittens like Julian so they can grow into robust mighty cats!

Big Boss
Big Boss and his 3 siblings were found by a TNR group in Denver, Co. The orphaned litter was brought to our partner, Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue, who stepped in to provide care and medical assistance. Big Boss was in rough shape when he arrived in their care and continued to decline. He was admitted to an animal hospital several times for lethargy, weakness, diarrhea, and occasional hypoglycemia. They ran numerous tests, but couldn’t identify exactly what was going on. His bloodwork showed low white blood cell counts which may have been due to infection, but there was not a clear answer. He was treated with aggressive supportive care and was released from the hospital for the last time in mid-August. Orphan Kitten Club helped cover the cost of his extensive medical care and hospitalization. Since discharge, Big Boss has been recovering in foster care and has started to thrive. He continues to gain weight, eat well, and is acting like a rambunctious little kitten! We are so proud to support this little guy when he needed it the most!

Linus & Minus
These two newborn Persian kittens were rescued by our partner, Yolo County SPCA, in Davis, CA. Linus & Minus were brought to an emergency clinic in a bad state. They were entwined with another sibling’s umbilical cord & their mother’s tail which caused a traumatic amputation of each of their right pelvic limbs. The medical team was able to delicately separate them from mom and the other kitten and assess the situation. The litter’s owner surrendered both kittens to YOLO who proceeded with their medical care. They had no time to waste and used a local block to amputate the necrotic limbs and placed them on antibiotics. This procedure was done when they were only one day old! Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs of those lifesaving amputations. When they’re bigger this duo will need orthopedic radiographs on each limb to determine how much femur is left and if they will end up needing higher-up amputations to prevent pressure sores. We are so happy to support these tiny three-legged kittens on their journey to becoming Mightycats!

Swish the calico kitten and her brother Flick were brought to our partner, Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue, in Stillwater, OK. Both kittens needed medical intervention, but Swish was much worse off than her sibling. She arrived with a respiratory infection that resulted in her getting pneumonia, a bacterial infection in her skin, and both eyes horribly infected. Tiny paws provided her with care and medical support but sadly Swish’s left eye became reinfected. Their veterinarian decided to move forward with an enucleation. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with Swish’s ocular procedure. She has since recovered & is living her best life with one eye.

Sriracha the kitten has had quite a journey! This tiny tabby was once a “spicy” kitten who was surrendered to a shelter as an orphan. The shelter staff noticed that he was barely eating and began to dramatically lose weight. Sriracha became lethargic and was in dire need of medical intervention. The shelter reached out to our partner, the Humane Society of Valdosta in Georgia to see if they could take on his case. They took him into their custody and sent him directly to the hospital. An ultrasound was performed and the vet discovered that Sriracha had an intestinal blockage! The doctor suspected intussusception, a life-threatening condition that occurs when a portion of the intestine folds with one segment slipping inside another segment. Sriracha was only 1.5lbs at that time, but the surgery needed to happen fast. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover his life-saving procedure. Sriracha had about 4 inches of his intestinal tract removed during this surgery. Now the not-so-spicy Sriracha has fully recovered and is living his best kitten life! Way to go Sriracha!

Luca was brought to a shelter in Long Beach, CA after a good samaritan found him wandering aimlessly in a park. This tiny kitten appeared to have no eyes and needed urgent medical intervention. Our partner, Little Lion Foundation, stepped up and transferred Luca into their care and he was taken immediately to their veterinarian. He was diagnosed with microphthalmia, meaning that he had underdeveloped, tiny eyes. He was placed on antibiotics to help his upper respiratory infection in the hope that he would be able to live with this condition, however, that was not the case. Sadly, Luca continued to have infections in both eye sockets and the veterinarian decided to move forward with a double enucleation so that he would not have to deal with continuous infections. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover Luca’s surgery and now he is living his best life without the infections holding him back! Luca recovered from his procedure and was quickly adopted into a loving home!

Ceci was rescued at 6 weeks old by our partner, Brooklyn Animal Action, in New York. She was placed into a foster home and was thriving until her health took a major turn 2 weeks in. One day Ceci suddenly became lethargic and refused to eat. Her temperature skyrocketed to 104 degrees. She was administered fluids, but the fever wouldn’t break. Ceci went to a vet the next day for further supportive care. She was tested for panleukopenia, but the test yielded negative results. The clinic ran diagnostics including bloodwork, but there was nothing remarkable to note. Since the origin of her fever couldn’t be identified, Ceci was transferred to an emergency hospital. Her diagnosis was never clear, but with 24 hours of hospitalization and supportive care, she bounced back and made a full recovery! Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with Ceci’s emergency care. We are so proud to help kittens like Ceci in their moments of need and to support rescues who do everything they can to help their kittens become Mightycats!

This tiny tuxedo kitten was rescued by our partner organization, Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter in Georgetown, TX. Espresso came to the shelter with his sibling but there was something obviously different about his chest. Espresso had a very dramatic misshapen chest and was diagnosed with pectus excavatum- a congenital malformation of the chest that can be fatal for young kittens if not corrected. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs of his intensive but lifesaving surgical procedure. Espresso’s corrective surgery was a success! He has been placed with an experienced medical foster and will be available for adoption once he fully recovers.

Maximillion came into our partner, Michigan Humane, as a tiny stray kitten. He was underweight, had an upper respiratory infection (URI), and something wrong with his right eye. Upon examination, their medical team found that he had an absent eye, meaning there was no globe in his right eye. This confirmed that an enucleation would be necessary. Once Maxi was stable and healthy, Michigan Humane performed his enucleation in-house. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with his ocular surgery. Maximillion recovered from his procedure in a loving foster home and was quickly adopted into an amazing home! Way to go Maxi!

Opal came to our partner, Meow Parlour, in NYC as a seemingly healthy and spunky kitten until they noticed she had a little bit of a wink. During her spay, the veterinarian noted that she had an entropion eyelid (inward turning) and recommended that she have corrective surgery. Her surgery was a success, however, shortly after spay she started straining while urinating and producing small bloody drops in the litterbox. An ultrasound eventually revealed that she had developed a bladder stone despite being only 12 weeks old! Her vet recommended starting a prescription diet to see if the stone would dissolve on its own. Sadly, the following day Opal was straining so hard that she developed a rectal prolapse! She required an emergency surgery and a purse string suture to secure it back in place. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover her life-saving medical procedures. Throughout the entire experience, Opal was the happiest, sweetest, and most grateful little kitten. At her follow-up appointment, they found that the prescription diet worked and her bladder stone was gone! The next day, she went home to her adopter and she’s currently living happily in her new home.

At just three weeks old, Storm & his sibling came into the care of our partner Orphan Kitten Project in Davis, CA. The kittens appeared to be healthy and went into foster care, but sadly Storm had a major turn of events. Storm suddenly began having acute neurologic signs. He was shaking and abnormally moving his limbs. He was also straining to urinate, and there was evidence of bloody urine in his litterbox. Storm became increasingly lethargic with pale gums and began drooling. His foster rushed him to the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) where he was assessed by the emergency staff and neurologists. At the VMTH, they ran diagnostic bloodwork and found that his sodium levels were dangerously high. Along with the severe hypernatremia (high sodium), Storm also had hypoglycemia, hyperchloremia (high chloride), mild hyperkalemia (high potassium), and metabolic acidosis. It was determined that the high sodium levels were the source of the neurologic symptoms he was experiencing. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover the costs associated with his hospitalization and care. His veterinarians were able to bring his high sodium levels back down to a normal range through the administration of fluids & he will require administration of water long term to prevent his sodium levels from rising in the future.

This tiny tiger from Georgetown, Texas was rescued by our partner, Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter. Cheeto came into their care at 7 weeks of age and sadly his health began to rapidly decline. He developed an upper respiratory infection, began open-mouth breathing, had severe ataxia, and required emergency medical intervention. Cheeto spent a few days in an emergency clinic where he received life-saving care including IV fluids, dextrose, nebulization, heat, and oxygen support. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs associated with his hospitalization. Cheeto was discharged and slowly but surely recovered. He is now thriving and has had one of the most dramatic glow-ups we have seen in a Mightycat. Way to go Cheeto!

Blue was found by a volunteer of our partner organization, Little Lion Foundation in Long Beach, CA. Their volunteer was walking down the street when a kitten fell out of a tree onto the sidewalk. What are the odds? The kitten screamed out in pain and the volunteer contacted LLF. They were able to have Blue seen by a veterinarian right away. The vet said that the impact was so great that Blue’s bone was crushed in two separate places and he had a dislocated patella! Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover his amputation and medical expenses. Blue has since recovered and has adapted to life as a tripod!

Mirabel was rescued by our partner, Toledo Animal Rescue, in Toledo, Ohio. This 11-week-old tabby was diagnosed with Legg- Perthes. Her treatment plan required a femoral head ostectomy (FHO) to ensure she would live a happy and active life. Toledo Animal Rescue worked with a local vet to perform her much-needed surgery. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the cost of her FHO procedure. The surgery was a success & Mirabel received post-op treatments and check-ins with the medical team. She has since gone home with her amazing and dedicated adopter!

Blinky was 6 weeks old when she was surrendered to a rural shelter in Georgia. That shelter contacted our partner, Feline Advocates of Leon County, in Tallahassee, FL to take on her case. Poor Blinky had severe eye issues and immediately received veterinary care. Sadly, her left eye had already ruptured. She was diagnosed with severe bilateral conjunctivitis, a ruptured left eye as well as oral ulcers that pointed to calicivirus. Orphan Kitten Club provided funding to cover the costs of Blinky’s double enucleation surgery. In spite of everything she’s been through, she is still the sweetest, most resilient kitten. Blinky is now learning to navigate the world without vision but with lots of love and support!

Ace was rescued by our partner, Kitten Nuggets, in New Smyrna Beach, FL. Ace was a singleton kitten being fostered through a local shelter when his foster mom noticed that he was avoiding the litter box and had some uncomfortable genital swelling. He was diagnosed with a condition called phimosis and unfortunately, the shelter vet was unable to treat him and they asked for rescue assistance. Kitten Nuggets brought Ace into their care and worked with a veterinarian to come up with a treatment plan. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with Ace’s medical procedure to make a bigger opening and allow him to urinate normally. His procedure was done with a laser, so no sutures! Way to go Ace!

Jabong arrived at our partner organization, Kauai Humane Society, in rough shape. His eyes were swollen shut and he was so congested from an upper respiratory infection that he could barely breathe. At 3 weeks old he weighed a mere 0.6 lbs. Jabong was placed under medical supervision for about a month before he was allowed to go into foster care and resided in an incubator provided by OKC in a previous grant. Once he was stable enough, Jabong went into his foster home. Sadly his conjunctiva scarring was so bad it covered almost half of his eyes and severely limited his field of vision. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with his medical care, including an eye conjunctiva scarring release surgery. Jabong made a swift recovery and was adopted the very next day!

This adorable little kitten was transferred from a local municipal shelter to our partner organization, Indy Humane, in Indianapolis, IN. Crumb was brought in as an injured, 3-week-old singleton and needed an emergency amputation. Indy performed an assessment, got Crumb checked out for any compounding issues, and created a treatment and recovery plan. One of IndyHumane’s most experienced foster parents took over from there and has brought Crumb in for regular check-ups so they can monitor their motor progress. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs associated with the medical care and surgery for this little mighty cat. Crumb has slowly gained confidence on three legs and his foster has spent lots of time encouraging safe and gentle play. Crumb will be the happiest and cutest tripod in all the land!

Our Partner, Newborn Kitten Rescue, in Scottsdale, AZ transferred little Lexus & her siblings from their local shelter. These tiny kittens were found in a rough state at an auto shop by a Good Samaritan. They were all underweight and had upper respiratory infections. Lexus started to decline, she began vomiting and experienced a dramatic weight loss. Their consulting veterinarian suggested a local emergency animal clinic with specialists on staff. After a series of tests including radiographs and lab work, they learned that Lexus was battling both panleukopenia and pneumonia and needed immediate hospitalization. Lexus was stabilized and received IV fluids, antibiotics, and was fed via a nasogastric tube, all under the careful observation of the hospital staff. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover her hospitalization & supportive care. Lexus was discharged and placed back into a loving foster home to recuperate. Lexus also captured some hearts at the hospital and one of the Vet Techs there wants to adopt her!

Mariano arrived at our partner, Hearts Alive Village, in Las Vegas, Nevada as a stray kitten in bad shape. He was unable to use his back legs and was infested with maggots. This sweet little guy was quickly brought to a veterinarian for treatment. It was determined that he did have a break in his leg near a growth plate, and the best option was to wait a month or two before proceeding with an amputation. He received antibiotics and pain medication and was placed in foster care. During this time, Mariano started having trouble breathing. He was immediately brought to an emergency vet where they took radiographs and he was diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia! Mariano was rushed into emergency surgery a few hours later. The surgery was a success and to top that off, his broken leg has officially healed! Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover the costs associated with Mariano’s medical journey. We are so proud to support organizations like Hearts Alive who fight for the little guys!

Chip the kitten was transferred from a rural shelter to our partner, INDY Humane, due to a severe wound on his back right foot. Sadly, his wound took off the paw pad and the underlying tendons were exposed. INDY’s medical team was initially concerned that this little guy might end up needing a leg amputation due to the degree of degloving. However, with a combination of medical intervention and loving care, Chip was able to magically heal his back leg! All that remained was a small scab that will scar over with time. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with Chips care with their in-house veterinary team including- wound debridement under anesthesia, daily laser therapy and wound cleaning, antibiotics, and pain medication. What a success story! We are so proud to support kittens like Chip from this incredible Indianapolis, IN shelter.

Dani was just a mere 6 ounces when she entered foster care with our partner, Hearts Alive Village, in Las Vegan, NV. She had been found with her family at a colony that was being managed by a local TNR organization. This tiny kitten was only a quarter of the size of her siblings! Dani was thin, malnourished, and dehydrated but has a strong spirit and will to live. Once she was a bit larger, Dani was brought to a local vet hospital in order to have some bloodwork done to get a better picture of what could be going on. Orphan Kitten Club provided a grant to cover the cost of this diagnostic testing. Luckily, her incredibly small size was not anything more serious than malnutrition. Dani was given an extra nutritious diet & thrived in foster care, finally reaching surgery weight! Nice job little one!

Daisy was transferred to our partner, Meow Parlour, in NYC along with her mom & three siblings. Soon after arriving in their care, the kittens started to vomit and had diarrhea. When the team went to see the kittens in foster, poor Daisy was in the midst of having a neurological episode! They found her face down and not engaging with her siblings or mom, but when touched, she would very quickly move away in a disoriented fashion. This tiny 4-week-old kitten was immediately brought to an emergency clinic where she was placed on IV fluids and was given supportive care for several hours. Daisy stabilized after a few hours and was released to be monitored in her foster home. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs of this unexpected hospitalization. She has since made a full recovery and hasn’t had any issues since! We are so happy to support our partners when kittens in their care have unforeseen medical expenses.

Beast, the tiny black kitten was rescued by our partner, Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center, in Blackwood New Jersey. Beast wasn’t in the best shape when he came into their care. He had a cut lip and his right eye had ruptured & immediately received medical attention. His right eye was enucleated, his lip was freshened, and he was given antibiotics and pain medication. Orphan Kitten Club covered the cost of his medical care at Homeward Bound. After his surgery, Beast went into a loving foster home to recover. We are so proud to support kittens like Beast who need extra care at the begging of their journey to becoming a #Mightycat.

Gwen & Leah
Gwen & Leah were found in a parking garage with their feral mom in Brooklyn, New York. Our partner organization, Brooklyn Animal Action, took them into their care along with their mom. Within the first day, the sisters began vomiting and had diarrhea. Neither were very interested in food and lost a significant amount of weight. The duo was rushed to the vet for a panleukopenia test and supportive care. They received fluids, anti-nausea meds, and a week-long course of antibiotics. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs of their hospitalization & medical care. The tabby sisters bounced back and thrived in their foster home. They were both adopted and their mom was TNR’d and has a dedicated caretaker at the parking garage who loves her very much.

Sweet Princess was dumped along with her 2 siblings and mom in a church parking lot in Los Angeles. She was lethargic with a severely extended belly and was in desperate need of medical care. Our partner organization, Stray Paws Animal Haven, took Princess and her family into their care. She was hospitalized and stayed overnight for treatment which included radiographs and a feeding tube. It turned out she ingested a foreign object and it had blocked her bowels! OKC paid for her hospitalization, and she has since made a full recovery and has been reunited with her mom & siblings!

Junior was transferred to our partner, Feline Advocates of Leon County, in Tallahassee, Florida from a rural shelter with very limited resources. Upon intake, he had diarrhea, upper respiratory infection, roundworm, and urine scald on his back legs. FALC immediately addressed his medical concerns however 10 days into his course of treatment, it appeared he was worsening. Junior was taken to their veterinarian and it was determined that he had dry Feline Infectious Peritonitis with an ocular/neurological component. FIP is a virus that was until recently, was seen as a non-treatable disease. Orphan Kitten club has granted funding to help cover Junior’s innovative treatment. He will be taking a medication that has been used to treat FIP in young cats successfully. We are very hopeful that this drug will be an effective treatment option for Junior.

The Runner Kittens
Our Mightycat Partner organization, Humane Society of West Michigan, took in a mama cat and her litter of 4 neonatal kittens from their local animal control agency. This family (named after famous female runners) went directly into a foster home but sadly experienced rapid onset diarrhea, vomiting, & weight loss. Molly, Zola, Dez, and Ellie required care at a local emergency clinic to treat and monitor their symptoms. Unfortunately, little Molly did not make it. The remaining 3 are thriving after their hospitalization and supportive care treatments. Orphan Kitten Club is proud to provide the funding needed to give kittens the medical support they need to grow into robust mighty cats!

Tabby & Tabbico
These two 11-week-old kittens were brought to a shelter in rural Georgia where they started to dramatically lose weight and needed more care than the shelter was able to provide. They reached out to our partner, Planned PEThood, who requested the kittens be tested for panleukopenia. Both kittens tested positive and were housed in Planned PEThood’s isolation room for treatment. Tabby & Tabbico needed around-the-clock care which meant that additional staff was needed for overtime and weekends to manage their care along with the expense of additional PPE. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover the cost of their supportive care for panleukopenia. This included supplies to prevent the spread of this deadly virus to any other felines at the shelter. After being lovingly cared for by their staff, these two kittens are thriving! We are so proud to support this in-house effort to safely care for kittens with panleukopenia!

Dahlia was found by an animal control officer and brought to our partner, Stray Paws in El Monte, CA. This tiny micro-panther was only 7 weeks old at the time. She was in great health and spirits despite the fact that her rear leg was stuck in a backward position. It seemed that her leg had been previously broken, and then healed back together in the wrong position. Dahlia was seen by a veterinarian who performed multiple radiographs to better understand what was going on with her leg. The medical team knew the best course of action was to amputate the limb. Orphan Kitten Club helped cover the costs associated with her medical care. Dahlia went to recover in a foster home with former #Mightycat, Peggy. The two became total buds and are both thriving after their medical procedures!

Miss Kitty
A Good Samaritan found Miss Kitty outside in the wintry elements of late January. She was alone with no siblings or momma in sight. This tiny kitten was literally freezing and to top it off she had some major upper respiratory issues. Miss Kitty’s finder took her to a veterinary clinic where they were told of the expensive & complicated long-term care needed to get her healthy. Not able to give Miss Kitty what she needed, the Good Samaritan instead brought her to our partner organization, Tiny Paws, in Stillwater Oklahoma. During her time at Tiny Paws, Miss Kitty was treated for critical URI congestion and eye infections. In late February she became very ill, and she was taken to Oklahoma State University for ophthalmic care. Her specialist decided that her eyes could be saved with specialized surgery to remove the symblepharon adhesions. Orphan Kitten club covered the costs associated with that life-changing procedure which gave her the best chance for sight and to help remedy the possibility for continued and progressive eye infections. Miss Kitty now can see and is discovering things she never knew existed!

The Beetlejuice Trio
Our partner, TNR Utopia, in Bayside, New York transferred in a litter of very sick kittens from their local shelter. This trio, named after characters from the film Beetlejuice, had severe upper respiratory issues and advanced eye infections. Juno, Sandworm, & Otho, received supportive care until they could be seen by an ophthalmologist. Thankfully, due to the intervention of TNR Utopia, they each have one functional eye! Orphan Kitten Club granted funding for these kittens to each have enucleations. They all had a smooth recovery and are living their best lives as members of the one-eyed cat club!

Tiny Pete was rescued by our partner, Michigan Humane, at just 8 weeks old. This little buff tabby came to them with a severe injury to his eye. It was suspected that Pete had suffered a trauma to his eye that lead to an infection, and subsequent abscess. Sadly, this left his eye non-viable. The only option for Pete was to have the injured eye enucleated. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs associated with Pete’s ophthalmic surgery. After the enucleation, Pete went to recover in a foster home until he was medically cleared to go up for adoption. The same day Pete became available, he found his forever family!

Vanilla was rescued at just 6 days old by our partner, Meow Parlour, in NYC. This tiny kitten was thriving until he started weaning. Occasionally after eating, he would show signs of distress and claw at his face. Vanilla developed symptoms of pneumonia & received radiographs and treatment, however, the doctor couldn’t figure out why he was having trouble eating. A few days later, Vanilla’s condition worsened and he was brought to the emergency room. There it was determined that his pneumonia was caused by megaesophagus! Vanilla was kept on oxygen and monitored until he was past the worst of his pneumonia. OKC provided a grant that covered a portion of Vanilla’s hospitalization and medical diagnostic testing costs. Vanilla continued to receive supportive care along with eating using a Mega 3000 feeder. At his most recent follow-up, the doctor was stunned to find that Vanilla’s esophagus looked normal! We are so proud to support kittens like Vanilla who need extra care at the begging of their journey to becoming a #Mightycat.

Peggy & Navy
Peggy & Navy were both rescued by our partner Stray Paws Animal Haven in El Monte, CA. These two kittens came to them right around the same time, but have different stories. Peggy was brought to Stay Paws by an Animal Control Officer. She was found with a piece of her back foot missing and had a broken femoral head. Peggy had 2 toes on her back right foot removed along with a femoral head ostectomy (FHO) to help restore pain-free mobility to her hip. Navy, another severely injured kitten, was brought to their facility. Navy was found lying lifeless in a yard, severely emaciated and dehydrated. His back legs dangled and he could not properly use them. Radiographs revealed that he needed an FHO for his bilateral femur. OKC granted funding to help cover the cost of both Peggy & Navy’s procedures. These two kittens had successful surgeries and were placed into a foster home together. They have since become friends during their recoveries!

Sweet Fae was brought to our partner, Michigan Humane, as a stray kitten in need of medical assistance. She had two body wall hernias that would need surgery to repair, as well as a fractured leg. Fae’s hernia repairs were performed and she received additional diagnostics to determine the extent of her leg injury. After reviewing her radiographs the Michigan Humane veterinary team decided to move forward with an amputation. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover her medical expenses while she was at the shelter. Fae has since recovered and was adopted on the very same day she went out on the adoption floor!

Pixie was found at a large cat colony in East LA. She was trapped along with her siblings and was brought to our partner, Stray Paws Animal Haven. Upon arrival, it was clear that Pixie needed medical care. This tiny tortie had lice, sores in her mouth, a severe Upper Respiratory Infection & a swollen belly. Her URI and Calici symptoms were treated however her belly remained distended and bloated and her right eye began to appear pink and weepy. She was examined once again and had bloodwork done that determined that she had Occular Feline Infectious Peritonitis. FIP a virus that was until recently was seen as a non-treatable disease. Orphan Kitten club has granted funding to help cover Pixie’s innovative treatment. Pixie will be taking a medication that has been used to successfully treat FIP in young cats. At just twelve weeks old, we are hopeful that this drug will be an effective treatment option for Pixie.

Meet Miso! This little micro panther was rescued by our partner, Yolo County SPCA. Miso was presented to the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Hospital after undergoing treatment for an upper respiratory infection. Miso had become anorexic, was having a hard time swallowing, and appeared to be in respiratory distress. Upon evaluation at UCD, they discovered what they thought was a diaphragmatic hernia. When Miso went into surgery, the medical staff had to open up his chest and found that his chest was full of pus and his poor lungs were compressed and deflated! Miso received the emergency medical care he needed & OKC granted funding to cover those charges. Miso was placed in a loving foster home to recover alongside his two siblings!

Tiny Bailey was rescued by our partners Planned Pethood in Duluth, GA. At just 6 weeks old, Bailey was presented to the medical team with hypothermia, hypoglycemia, anemia, leukocytosis, and elevated liver values. Bailey was hospitalized and placed on IV fluids for two days. After receiving around-the-clock care, he stabilized and was then able to go home with a trained RVT. OKC granted funding to help cover the costs associated with Bailey’s hospitalization and critical care. We are so proud to assist kittens like Bailey!

Little Linus came to our partner, IndyHumane, as a tiny stray 8-week old kitten. He had a painful rectal prolapse as well as a shattered back leg. His rectal prolapse had been occurring for so long that part of the exposed colon had become necrotic. Since this tissue was no longer viable, Linus needed a special surgery to remove that part of his colon and suture it back together. In addition to that surgery, he underwent a hind limb amputation at the same time. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover the cost of those procedures. Since surgery, Linus has been receiving intensive care to help him recover and lots of cuddles!

Sally, a 7-week old calico kitten, was rescued by our partner organization, Pasadena Humane Society. She came to them in need of emergency surgery to repair a traumatic injury to her left ear. Based on her injuries, the shelter believes she might have gotten caught in a car engine when it was turned on! Sweet Sally was immediately seen by their vet team and was rushed into surgery. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover the costs of that procedure to repair her wounded ear. The surgery was a success and Sally has since gone to a foster home to recover. We are so proud to help kittens like Sally receive the emergency medical care they need!

Henrietta the tiny tabby kitten was rescued from the middle of the Cross Island Parkway in New York City. Our partner, TNR Utopia, brought her into their care and immediately noted injuries to her back legs. Henrietta was taken to their vet who performed radiographs that showed both legs were in fact broken. This 8-week old kitten was in need of immediate surgery. Orphan Kitten Club covered the full cost of her orthopedic surgery on both rear legs. The procedure was a success & now she is healing in her “cone of shame”!

At just one week old, Petal was found with her two siblings, left beside a trash can. Petal was missing part of her leg and needed immediate help. Our partner, Kitten Rescue Life, took them in and headed straight to their vet’s office. It was there they learned how serious her injuries were. Petal had to have an immediate life-saving operation to remove the infected protruding bone and to close up her wound. She was only five ounces at the time of her first operation. Kitten Rescue Life knew that depending on how she healed there was a chance she would need a second operation. OKC was able to provide a grant for $2,500 which covered her operation and three days of hospitalization. Petal has had her final operation and is now healing up before going to her forever home. Partnerships like this help us save more lives together!

P.S. I Love You
P.S I Love You, a tiny calico kitten, was found in terrible condition and brought to a local emergency clinic in Green Bay, WI. The clinic reached out to a veterinarian at our partner organization, Wisconsin Humane Society, for assistance. The veterinarian stepped in to help with the initial treatment and this lucky kitten was transferred into WHS. P.S. I Love You had a ruptured left eye and a terrible upper respiratory infection. She was sedated in order to clean her eye, administered fluids, pain meds, & prescribed oral and topical treatments. A few weeks later she was strong enough to have her eye enucleated. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover her eye removal and URI treatment. Now P.S. I Love You is charming the world with her good looks and permanent left wink!

A Good Samaritan found a 5-week old kitten with a badly broken leg in their front yard. This injured kitten, later named Johnny, was brought to our partner organization, Pasadena Humane Society, where he received immediate care. His left hind leg was dangling from his body and it was severely infected. Johnny was admitted into their ICU, where staff managed his pain and treated his wounds. Johnny was stabilized but sadly his leg was so badly infected that the veterinary team decided to move forward with an amputation earlier than they anticipated. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover the medical costs associated with Johnny’s care and surgery. The amputation was a success and now Johnny is thriving as a tiny tripod tabby!

Ron the kitten was found outside a business and brought to our partner organization, Planned Pethood of GA. This little guy was immediately seen by the shelter’s medical team who notice his chest was flat and diagnosed him with Pectus Excavatum. Kittens with this congenital malformation of the chest need to undergo an intensive but lifesaving surgical procedure. Ron was able to have the surgery in the shelter, but unfortunately, there were some complications and he was taken to the emergency clinic to receive critical supportive care. The Pectus surgery changed Ron’s chest shape which put stress on his lungs as they stretched to fill that space. In Ron’s case, the stretch had resulted in oxygen dependence and he needed a few days in an oxygen cage along with IV supportive care. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to help cover a portion of the costs of Ron’s procedure and his time spent in the ER. Ron did well and was released to their vet team for follow-up care. A few weeks later, another kitten came in with the same condition. Planned Pethood performed her surgery and the dynamic duo was able to recover together!

Gizmo was found by a Good Samaritan near a dam in Door County, WI. Tiny Gizmo’s leg was so badly tangled in a fishing net that the finder was unable to cut it loose. He was brought to our partner, Wisconsin Humane Society, who stepped in to help. Sadly, his rear leg was so severely damaged it was unable to be repaired. The WHS vet team tended to his wounds and stabilized the injury. Gizmo was just 5 weeks old and so small that the team wanted to give him time to grow before moving forward with the full amputation. Gizmo went into foster care and in a few weeks, he was able to have his surgery. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the cost of his amputation. Gizmo has since recovered from his procedure and is now thriving as a three-legged feline!

Sweet Salem was brought to our partners, Lawrence Humane Society, as a stray kitten. He had been found on the side of the road on a busy street near the campus of their local university. The finder noted that there was something wrong with Salem’s legs, so he was immediately brought to see the shelter’s medical team. Both of his back legs were injured, but the back right leg was especially damaged and Salem couldn’t bear any weight on it. Sadly, Salem needed an amputation. Orphan Kitten Club covered the costs associated with that procedure and Salem was placed in a foster home to recover. Salem has learned to adapt to life with three legs and was immediately adopted as soon as he became available!

Milacho & Hoagie
Our partner organization, Wisconsin Humane Society, has been caring for numerous kittens with eye conditions. We recently granted funding for two kittens, Milacho & Hoagie, who both needed enucleations. Milacho came to WHS with his left eye exposed and bulging out of the socket. Sadly, the swelling got progressively worse and their vet team decided to remove the eye. Hoagie arrived at the shelter thin, dehydrated, and with a ruptured left eye. She received fluid therapy and antibiotics and was sent to a foster home until she was healthy enough for enucleation. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover both of their procedures. Milacho & Hoagie both had successful surgeries and are now members of the one-eye kitten club!

Japchae and her siblings were surrendered to our partner, Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter, in Georgetown, TX. The litter was sent to a foster home where their caretaker noticed Japchae’s misshapen chest and brought her to the vet. Japchae was diagnosed with pectus excavatum- a congenital malformation of the chest that can be fatal for young kittens if not corrected. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs of her intensive but lifesaving surgical procedure. Japache’s surgery was a success and she can now breathe comfortably and will continue to grow into a #mightycat!

A Good Samaritan brought little Bear and his littermate to our partner organization, Pasadena Humane Society. The finder offered to foster the duo of bottle babies but soon noticed there was something wrong with Bear’s eyes. One eye looked cloudy and the other eye appeared very small. Bear was returned to PHS and during a medical evaluation, it was discovered that he would need a double bilateral enucleation surgery as both eyes presented abnormalities. Bear was diagnosed with microphthalmia in both eyes, a congenital eye disease characterized by small or absent eyes. Bear’s case was severe enough that their medical team felt he would benefit greatly from surgical treatment. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs of Bear’s double enucleation. His surgery was a success, and he was able to recover with the help of his kitty best friend, Stripes, who has been helping him learn to navigate the world!

Lil’ Turk
Lil’ Turk was rescued by our partners, Stray Paws Animal Haven, in El Monte, CA. This 8-week old tabby came to them with some serious injuries to his back legs. Stay Paws immediately took him to have radiographs taken where they learned that both of his femurs were fractured. Their vet felt that Turk had a good prognosis and they decided to move forward with corrective surgery. Orphan Kitten Club granted $2,500 to help cover the costs of his medical bills including external fixators. Lil’ Turk’s surgery was a success and he has been adjusting to life with his new legs!

Minnie Taco Riperton
Minnie Taco Riperton was rescued by our partners, Meow Parlour, in NYC, NY. This tiny tuxedo was placed into foster care but sadly at just 5 weeks old, she had a medical emergency. Minnie was rushed to a nearby emergency hospital where it was determined that her blood glucose level was extremely low, which in turn would not allow her to regulate her body temperature. With a lot of supportive care over the course of 4 days, she was released with her glucose issue resolved. However, while she was at the hospital, one of her eyes ruptured and the lens came out! When she was released, her doctor said that she may require an enucleation, but that they could treat her with antibiotics and monitor for the time being. The doctor said it was possible that the eye, while it will always be blind, could heal over and not require an enucleation. Orphan Kitten Club granted $2,500, which covered the majority of her emergency hospital stay. In addition to antibiotics, Minnie received serum eye drops. Meow Parlour was able to purchase the equipment for the serum from a Mightycat Programmatic Grant they received last Fall. The combinations of the serum drops and oral meds managed to deflate that eye successfully! Minnie is able to keep her eye and no enucleation was necessary!

Little Dexter was rescued by our partner, Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue in Stillwater, Oklahoma. This 7-week old kitten was brought to them in a bad state. Dexter was rushed to Oklahoma State University Veterinary Hospital where he received an emergency bilateral enucleation surgery. Orphan Kitten Club covered all the medical costs associated with Dexter’s hospitalization and emergency surgery. Dexter has had a steady recovery and is quickly learning to adjust to his surroundings. Tiny Paws has rescued numerous kittens with similar eye conditions and is fortunate to have a volunteer who has rehabilitated a number of blind kittens prior to adoption. Their volunteer provides specialized care for kittens like Dexter and works with adoptive homes on how to provide the most supportive environment for their sightless kittens.

Handsome Ruben was rescued by our partners, Stray Paws Animal Haven, in El Monte, CA. He came to them with a transverse fracture of his right tibia. Sweet Ruben was confined to kennel rest but still was able to bear weight on his injured leg. After consulting with multiple vets, Stray Paws was able to find a doctor who felt strongly that he could save Ruben’s leg. Orphan Kitten Club granted $2,500 to help cover the costs of Ruben’s leg surgery and his external fixators. The surgery was a success and Ruben is now recovering beautifully with his “new leg”!

Sweet BunBun was rescued by our partners, Wisconsin Humane Society. A Good Sam was able to humanely trap 5-week old Bunbun along with her mom & bring them to WHS. Upon intake, the team noticed Bun Bun was badly injured. The finder had found this tiny kitten with her front limb caught in some wire. Her limb was very swollen, bleeding, and had small maggots present. The medical team at WHS made the decision to amputate the limb and Orphan Kitten Club granted funding for the cost of that procedure. Now Bunbun is thriving as a tripod tabby and has since been adopted into a loving home!

Little Duchess was rescued by our #Mightycat partner, Stray Paws Animal Haven, in El Monte, CA. This tiny kitten was part of a hoarding situation that Stay Paws was assisting. Duchess was found in very bad shape and was brought to their wellness clinic where they realized she was severely impacted due to her inability to defecate. She was brought to a specialist who determined she had Anal atresia, a congenital anomaly in which the anus is lacking the normal opening. Duchess was in need of a life-saving surgery. Orphan Kitten Club granted $2,500 for her medical bills and now sweet Duchess has a fully functional kitten butt!

Prudence was brought to our partners, Lawrence Humane Society, as a stray kitten found behind a tractor supply store. The finder noted that Prudence appeared to have a broken leg and she was immediately examined by the LHS medical team. Prudence’s left front leg was severely injured and she could not put any weight on it, surgery was necessary. OKC granted funding to cover the cost of amputating her injured leg. Prudence has recovered beautifully – she loves running around and is learning to scamper up the cat tree on three legs. She has been apprenticing with her foster friend, Sugar, who is teaching her that having four legs is completely overrated! We are so happy to support kittens like Prudence!

Sweet Smokey
Little Smokey was rescued by our partner, YOLO SPCA. This little 6-week old grey kitten was put into a foster home but needed some extra help. Smokey was dehydrated, lethargic, and refusing to eat. YOLO brought him to UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital where he was hospitalized and started on IV fluids. His blood work revealed abnormal BUN and CREA values indicating metabolic acidosis. Smokey’s electrolyte values were stabilized and he was kept on IV fluid therapy and oral antibiotics as well. He improved dramatically and began eating on his own! Smokey was placed back in foster care and has been thriving. Orphan Kitten Club covered all the costs associated with his hospitalization. We are so proud to support kittens like Smokey when they need it the most!

Planned PEThood’s Panleukopenia Kittens
Our partner organization, Planned PEThood of GA, was sent an urgent plea by another local shelter that was at capacity with kittens. Planned PEThood pulled 26 kittens in one day! They housed the kittens in new kennels (granted by OKC in a previous Programmatic Grant Cycle) while they found foster homes. Sadly, 9 of the kittens tested positive for Panleukopenia during their intake exams. Due to this happening over the 4th of July holiday week many of their staff members were unavailable to step in. They were not able to place the Panleuk positive kittens in foster, so they chose to board the kittens for treatment at a local clinic. OKC covered the costs for these 9 kittens to be hospitalized over the holiday. They received around-the-clock supportive care from the amazing medical team at Russell Ridge Animal Hospital. All 9 kittens survived and are on the path to a full recovery!

Tommy & Mohawk
Our partner organization, Six Kittens Rescue, in Bryan, TX reached out to us about two kittens, Tommy & Mohawk, who had the same medical condition- Pectus Excavatum. Kittens who are diagnosed with Pectus Excavatum (a congenital malformation of the chest) need to undergo an intensive but lifesaving surgical procedure. Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the costs of both surgeries to be performed by specialists at Texas A&M University. Tommy & Mohawk have since recovered from their procedures & have matching cool guy chest plates! We are so proud to sponsor medical grants for these two #Mightycats!

Kraken was rescued by our partners, The Little Lion Foundation, in Long Beach, CA. This little girl was brought to them in a sad state. This 7-week old kitten was extremely lethargic, dehydrated, and appeared to have an injured rear limb. She was stabilized overnight and then brought to their vet and who discovered that Kraken had a complete fracture to her growth plate in her hind leg. The damage could not be repaired and she needed an amputation fast! Kraken received an emergency surgery that was funded by our Mightycat program. Kraken is now learning to move around with just 3 legs & is sure to be zooming around in no time!

Outstanding Oz
Oz was rescued by our partner organization, Humane Society Of Valdosta/Lowndes in Georgia. This 8-week old kitten was very lethargic, & his gums were jaundice yellow. The doctors discovered that Oz had mycoplasma along with an autoimmune response that caused almost all of his red blood cells to rupture. His red blood cell count was only 8%, which is dangerously low! With something this serious, Oz needed an emergent blood transfusion. He was rushed to receive care at the University of Florida where they were able to help. OKC paid for his treatment and today Oz is thriving!

Sweet Solstice
Solstice came to the Orphan Kitten Project with a body wall hernia and multiple fractures. Her abdominal wall hernia was so severe that some of her GI tract and bladder were sitting outside of the body wall just underneath the skin. This can be very dangerous as it allows these organs to be easily damaged. This life-threatening condition made it pertinent that Solstice received surgery to repair it as soon as possible! Orphan Kitten Club granted funding to cover the emergency abdominal surgery and hospitalization for this sweet little kitten. Solstice is healing in a loving foster home and for now, her orthopedic injuries are stable.

Rosemary the tiny tuxedo was brought to YOLO SPCA with her 2 siblings. All the kittens appeared to be healthy but Rosemary’s foster mom noticed that her breathing was increased and that she was not as active as her siblings. She was brought to UC Davis where she and had thoracic radiographs taken that confirmed their suspicions. Rosemary had pectus excavatum- a congenital malformation of the chest that can be fatal for young kittens if not corrected. A surgery date was set with a soft tissue specialist to address the abnormal curve in her chest. Orphan Kitten Club covered the cost of her corrective surgery & now Rosemary can breathe comfortably and will continue to grow into a #mightycat!

Coconut & Maple
Coconut & Maple were brought to YOLO SPCA at just three weeks old. These adorable siblings were immediately placed into foster care but shortly after they began displaying signs of respiratory discomfort consistent with the presence of polyps. The duo was taken to a specialist who performed a rhinoscopy and found that they would both need to have polyps removed. OKC covered the costs associated with those procedures for both Maple & Coconut. The surgery went smoothly and they have recovered beautifully post-op in their foster home!

Wellsley is a 10-week old kitten rescued by our partner organization Kitten Nuggets. This handsome blue boy was born with bilateral congenital patellar dislocations. His patellas are wayyy out in the middle of nowhere and cannot be manually reduced. As a result, he is unable to walk or sit normally. If his condition is left untreated, it’s likely that his bones will grow curved because the soft tissue is in the wrong spot encouraging wonky growth. Over time, his muscles would stiffen because he would not be able to use them correctly and things would be much more difficult to correct. OKC granted the funds to cover the cost of his first procedure, which focused on repositioning his soft tissue (ligaments, tendons, muscle) back into a more anatomically correct position. The hope is because he’s young, as he heals from surgery and continues to grow, his patellas will move into the right position if the soft tissue is repositioned correctly!

Jingle was just 4-weeks old when he was rescued by Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue in Stillwater, Oklahoma. This little blue boy was in dire need of medical care. He was rushed to Oklahoma State University Veterinary Hospital where it was determined he needed a double enucleation once he was stabilized. His procedure went well, however, his case rapidly became more complicated. Due to his size and malnourishment, Jingle had a feeding tube placed as well as a blood transfusion. The OSU Veterinary team didn’t give up on Jingle and slowly but surely he began to recover. Orphan Kitten Club granted $2,500 to help cover the costs of his hospitalization & today Jingle is thriving as a no-eyed wonder kitten!

Mighty Monroe
Monroe was rescued by our partner organization, Meow Parlour, in NYC. This tiny kitten came to them with an upper respiratory infection and damaged eye. After a medical examination, it was determined that Monroe had ear mites, a minor rectal prolapse, and would need her right eye enucleated. OKC granted funding to take care of all her medical concerns. Today Monroe is rockin’ an eye patch and feeling great!

Amazing Albus
Meet Albus! This adorable kitten was rescued by the Pasadena Humane Society. When Albus came into their care he was malnourished, covered in cuts and scrapes, missing a portion of his ear, and in pain from multiple abscesses on his limbs. He received immediate medical care and was placed into an experienced foster home. Sadly, Albus did need to have his front right leg amputated. OKC granted funding to cover help cover the cost of his surgery and the procedure was a success! We are also happy to announce that Albus, now Chunni, was adopted by his foster family!

Super Stevie
Stevie has had quite a journey! Our partners, TNR Utopia, rescued him when he was just 4-weeks old. Stevie was in critical condition— he had Calicivirus, a broken leg, and a severe eye infection. Once Stevie recovered from Calici, the focus shifted to his broken leg which needed to be amputated. Stevie made it through the amputation however his eye infection worsened. This is where we stepped in, OKC covered all the medical expenses associated with Stevie’s enucleation. Stevie is now a one-eyed, three-legged wonder kitten! He’s been through so much in his short life, but he’s still here and thriving thanks to the amazing team at TNR Utopia.

Baby Bub
Baby Bub was rescued by our partner organization, The Little Lion Foundation in Long Beach, California. This tiny 6-week old kitten was having trouble breathing without oxygen support. Bub was rushed to the emergency vet for immediate care where he was diagnosed with a Peritoneal-Pericardial Diaphragmatic Hernia. This caused his organs to push against his heart and lungs, making it nearly impossible to breathe. OKC granted $2,500 to help cover the cost to repair his diaphragmatic hernia!

Lifeline Hoarding Case
Tiny Turnip was one of the many kittens rescued by our partner organization Lifeline Animal Rescue in Atlanta Georgia. Lifeline was contacted about a nearby cat hoarding situation and they stepped in to assist. There were numerous kittens found at this property who were in need of immediate veterinary care. We knew we wanted to support their rescue efforts with a Mightycat Grant. Orphan Kitten Club covered the cost of 18 medical exams, eye medications, antibiotics and 4 enucleations for the kittens from this property. We are so proud to work with this impactful shelter!

Ray’s Rescue
Meet Ray. This tiny kitten was rescued from the middle of a busy intersection by a Good Samaritan and brought to our partner organization Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue in Stillwater, OK. Ray was already blind with juvenile glaucoma (eyes so enlarged he could not blink), emaciated and listless. Ray was cared for by the Tiny Paws team & under the direction of their veterinarian, Ray was treated with eye drops & oral meds to control pain, infection and ocular pressure. Ray was taken to Oklahoma State University’s Ophthalmology Specialist, for a double enucleation. The surgery went smoothly and Ray has since recovered. All the volunteers love to hold him and he welcomes all the attention he gets!

Fabulous Flora
Flora was rescued by our partner organization Newborn Kitten Rescue in Scottsdale, Arizona. At 5 weeks old she only weighed 261g on intake. She was malnourished, severely dehydrated and suffering from an upper respiratory infection. Flora started having breathing difficulties and was put on supplementary oxygen. At this point they were no longer able to get any nutrition into her and she was transferred to an emergency hospital for more aggressive treatment. Flora was diagnosed with viral pneumonia and was placed on IV antibiotics and fluids in the hospital. OKC covered the full cost of her hospitalization and treatment for pneumonia. We are so happy to support kittens like Flora! She has since recovered in the care of Newborn Kitten Rescue.

Amazing Anza
Introducing Amazing Anza. This adorable calico was rescued by our partners Little Lion Foundation. They were alerted to a box of kittens in a dumpster with a note that read “Free Kittens”. When they arrived, someone had already taken one kitten – leaving Anza and her brother Mojave behind. Both kittens had underdeveloped eyes and suffered from eye infections. Mojave’s eyes significantly improved, but sweet Anza needed to have bother her eyes removed. OKC covered the full cost of Anza’s double enucleation. The procedure went smoothly, and she will now be looking for her forever home!

Delightful Dublin
Meet Dublin! This delightful little creamsicle was rescued by our partners at Feline Rescue. Dublin had severe trauma to her left eye and it was determined that once she was 2-months old, the eye would need to come out. However, at 6-weeks old, things changed when an ulcer on her eye started to rupture. After being evaluated that afternoon it was determined that she needed same-day emergency eye removal surgery. OKC covered the full cost of her procedure, enabling Feline Rescue to continue their lifesaving efforts in Minnesota!

Extraordinary Emma
Emma is a 7 week old kitten from YOLO SPCA in northern California. She developed an intussusception and required emergency surgery to repair the blockage. OKC granted $1,000 to help cover the cost of her medical care. The doctors at UC Davis were able to successfully remove a necrotic portion of her small intestine. We are so proud to support our partner organization in their kitten rescue efforts!

Sweet Bean Sprout
Meet Bean Sprout 🌱 This adorable kitten was found with her sibling when our Full Circle team was trapping at Chickpea’s colony. The entire litter had terrible upper respiratory infections and were covered in mange. Our Nurseries were at capacity but our friends at Love Your Feral Felines were able to help. They found an experienced foster home and got these kittens healthy. OKC covered the cost of Bean Sprout’s enucleation through our #Mightycat Grant Program and now the entire litter is available for adoption. We are so grateful to our supportive network of partner organizations.

Beautiful Beach Babe
Beach Babe was rescued by Homeward Bound as an orphaned 8 week old kitten with a horrible eye infection. She went straight into foster care where her eyes improved with treatment but sadly one eye ruptured. They performed an emergency eye enucleation at the shelter and OKC covered the costs associated with the procedure. We are so happy to assist this impactful New Jersey shelter!

Tiny Trunks
Trunks and his siblings were found outside at just 5 days old. Our partner organization Tiny Paws Kitten Rescue in Stillwater, OK rescued the litter but noticed Trunks the tuxedo had some health concerns. Tiny Trunks suffered from a chronic upper respiratory infection and had been treated with antibiotics, however something still wasn’t right. Trunks was taken to the vet and during the exam a viscous fluid was aspirated from his abdominal cavity. He was Diagnosed with FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) a virus that was until recently was seen as a non-treatable disease. Orphan Kitten club has granted $1,600 to help cover an innovative treatment for FIP. Trunks will be taking the drug Mutain, which has been used to successfully treat FIP in young cats. At just twelve weeks old, we are hopeful that this drug will be an effective treatment option for Trunks.

Dear Danny
Danny’s litter was abandoned in a parking lot and rescued by our partner organization Newborn Kitten Rescue. As a neonate he suffered an upper respiratory infection that quickly turned into pneumonia. Danny was hospitalized and placed on IV antibiotics & oxygen support. After a few days of critical care, Danny slowly began to recover! OKC granted $1,500 to cover the cost of Danny’s initial hospitalization and for additional radiographs to ensure his lungs had completely recovered. Danny thrived in his foster home and has since made a full recovery!

Courageous Coriander
Courageous Coriander was found along the side of the road with obvious facial trauma. Our partner Organization, Yolo SPCA, stepped in to get him the care he needed. Cori was taken to UC Davis Medical Center, where he was examined and treated for his maxillofacial trauma. Orphan Kitten Club covered the cost of Cori’s surgical cleaning, tooth extractions and CT scan. While he was being cared for at the hospital, a staff member fell in love with this little flame-point and ended up adopting him!

Little Miss Mona
Little Mona was surrendered to the shelter at 10 weeks of age and refused to walk on intake. The shelter immediately contacted our partner organization, Kitten Nuggets in New Smyrna Beach, Florida to help. Radiographs showed she has a displaced fracture of the left tibia and fibula and a non-displaced fracture of the right tibia. OKC covered the cost of surgery on her left leg to stabilize the displaced fracture with a pin, which will be removed about 4 weeks. Both legs are immobilized to allow the bones to heal properly, so she’s our little mummy kitten! While she may not love her hot pink casts, she does love all the love, cuddles, and squishies she gets from her foster mom.

Darling Daisy
Little Daisy had a rough start to life. At 3 weeks old, she was rescued by our Partner Organization, Tiny Paws, in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Daisy had all the problems. She was emaciated, full of parasites, tested FIV+, and was suffering from a severe upper respiratory virus. Daisy was diagnosed with juvenile glaucoma and needed a double enucleation. Tiny Paws gave her all the supportive care and antibiotics to get her stabilized for her surgery, and OKC covered the cost of her care. Daisy recovered quickly and was fostered in a home with two blind cats!

Tiny Topaz
Tiny Topaz was born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her left hind leg. By the time she was untangled it had already caused too much damage and eventually her her foot and lower leg shriveled up leaving a little stump behind. Our Mightycat Partner Organization, Feline Rescue , got Topaz to a vet who determined the best course of action would be a full amputation when she reached 2 months of age. She thrived in her foster care and when she was big and strong, her tiny stump was surgically removed. Topaz is living her best tripod life and has been adopted by her foster mom.

Sydney’s Surgery
10 week old Sydney was found with a belly full of tapeworms and a sever upper respiratory tract infection. Our partner organization, Yolo County SPCA, stepped in to help and had an abdominal ultrasound preformed. Sydney was diagnosed with an intestinal intussusception and required emergency surgery to clear the obstruction. OKC covered the cost of the surgery and Sydney is now recovering in his foster home.

Angie’s Amputation
Sweet Angie was found with a severely infected leg, living outside in an unmanaged cat colony in Queens, New York. A local rescue stepped in to rescue her and she was immediately taken to an emergency hospital. OKC helped to cover a portion of her medical care including a blood transfusion and a full leg amputation. This mighty girl is currently still in recovery but in a few weeks she will be available for adoption.

Brave Blaze
At just 4 weeks old, Blaze was trapped at a local business and rescued by our partner organization, Love Your Feral Felines. This little guy had a severely infected eye that needed medical intervention. Once brave Blaze was stable, he was taken to a specialist to have his left eye removed. OKC was able to cover the cost of his enucleation —and now Blaze is living his best life as a one-eyed-wonder kitten!

Mighty Marcella
At just 12 days old, Marcella was found on top of a roof with a severed leg. Her siblings had all passed away and her mother had been hit by a car. Poor Marcella had a rough start but thanks to our partner organization, The Little Lion Foundation, she was safe. Marcella was immediately taken to a veterinarian who decided the best course of action was a full amputation due to the location and severity of the injury. OKC was able to cover the cost of her amputation —and now Marcella is enjoying life on three legs!

Shimmer’s Story
Four-week-old Shimmer was found tied to a tree hanging upside down from her rear leg. She was brought to a shelter where she was going to be euthanized due to her injury and age. Thankfully, a local cat rescue, Love Your Feral Felines, stepped in to give her a chance at life. Shimmer’s leg was infected so badly that the only answer was amputation. Orphan Kitten Club helped cover the cost of her procedure and now Shimmer is enjoying life as a three-legged kitten.

Jared’s Journey
Jared and his brother were rescued from Valley Animal Center in Fresno, California after being thrown from a car. Jared sustained a serious break in his right rear leg that required immediate surgery; luckily his brother remained uninjured. Orphan Kitten Club covered the cost of Jared’s emergency orthopedic surgery. Jared recovered from his surgery beautifully, and now he is able to run around and play just like his brother!

Waffles’ Operation
Waffles was rescued at just two weeks old after being abandoned in Hallandale, Florida. She was in critical condition when she was found, and had already developed a serious eye condition. After seeking medical care, it was determined that Waffles’ left eye needed to be removed. Orphan Kitten Club covered the cost of her enucleation, and she is now living her best life in her forever home!

Misty’s Procedure
Misty was rescued from a hoarding situation in New York by the rescue group TNR Utopia. She was only one day old when she was found, orphaned from her mother, and bottle-fed by the rescue. When Misty began eating solid foods she started to frequently regurgitate her meal causing her to aspirate. Orphan Kitten Club helped fund a CT Scan that confirmed Misty had ingested a foreign object, which was then able to be removed through surgery!